The materials are required in to create the relics and jewelry required to maximize the Inscription skill without waiting on a single point a day from Forged Documents.
These vendors sell these Inscription items that can be sold for nice profits on the auction house.
- Bleached Jawbone 39g 47s 59c
- Deathwing Scale Fragment 6g - Sold by various vendors in all areas, but continue to sell on the AH for 4x what I pay for them.
- Preserved Ogre Eye 26g 31s 92c
- Scavenged Dragon Horn 17g 4s 37c
- Silver Charm Bracelet 44g 55s 61c
I have been buying these and listing these on the auction house ever since I was first able to purchase them at 84. Just be sure and check the auction house for current prices though as some of the items have a much higher resale than others which I would assume is from a higher demand for certain items. The one that I DON"T buy is the silver charm bracelet as it is consistently selling for about half of its cost on my server. The ones that I sell the most of and for the most profit are the Bleached Jawbone and the Preserved Ogre Eye.