Saturday, May 11, 2013

Cold's Gold Blogging Carnival Announcement


Cold's Gold Blogging Carnivals Are Moving To A New Home

Recently I have been writing very few posts regarding anything to do with World of Warcraft.  If you listen to The Eviscerated Gaming Podcast, then it's no secret that I'm just not playing much World of Warcraft these days.  I've been playing WoW since before the very first patch 1.1, so yeah, after this long it is getting old, boring, repetative, and lame.  Over the past 3+ years, I've poured my heart and soul into this blog, but lately I've had very little desire to write about a game that I am starting to loathe.  I find myself focusing more and more on my other passions as WoW falls by the wayside.  My car has finally died and is now in the junkyard, so my time is even more limited than before.  I am relying on public transportation for all of my travels, so my free time is even more valuable to me.  So I choose to do things that I am more passionate about at this time, like playing with my Kontrol S2.

I've been putting my heart and soul into Eviscerated, the Electronic Education DJ segments on Eviscerated, and more recently my own solo project, The Electronic Education Podcast, which is available on iTunes & Stitcher Radio.   These projects have been much more enjoyable than blogging about making gold in Warcraft over and over again.  I've written almost 800 posts on this blog and to tell the truth, there just isn't much new to say about making gold in World of Warcraft.  I'm not going to be like some other gold bloggers and re-hash old content, steal ideas from others, or write fluff posts just as filler.  That's just not my style.  I will continue to post occasionally if a fresh idea strikes me, but at this point the gold blog posts will be few and far between.

Passing The Torch On The Blogging Carnival

The Cold's Gold Blogging Carnivals here on the site have been a great success and a key feature in helping share traffic with other bloggers within the gold blog-o-sphere.  Because of the community nature and the assistance the gold blogging carnival provides for newer bloggers, I would hate to see it become extinct.  Therefore, today I am announcing a new host for the Gold Blogging Carnivals, who will carry on with the monthly topics and hosting of the monthly carnival submissions starting with releasing the topic for next month.

The new Gold Blogging Carnivals will now be hosted by Selltacular over on his blog, Copper To Gold.  I am officially passing the torch on to Selltacular, so be sure to check his site for future blogging carnival topics and compilations.  He should have a carnival topic post up shortly and will appreciate the support with the new carnivals.

Thanks for the great participation in the Gold Blogging Carnivals while they were housed here at Cold's Gold Factory over the years, but it is time to send them to a new home.

More info can be found in his new post: New Host Of Cold's Gold Blogging Carnivals.

Recommended Guides: Secret Gold Guide | Journal of Marcus Ty | WoW Secrets

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