Cold's Gold Blogging Carnivals |
Cold's Gold Blogging Carnival - 2012
Welcome to another 2012 edition of Cold's Gold Blogging Carnival. These carnivals will continue to take place the 11th day of every month and will be hosted here at Cold's Gold Factory. All World of Warcraft bloggers are welcome to participate and feedback both here and on the original authors' sites is strongly encouraged. So show some support and please leave some feedback in the comments section. These bloggers put a lot of time and hard work into these blogging carnival posts so please tell them what you think.
If you would like to be included in the next month's carnival, please review the guidelines for Cold's Gold Blogging Carnivals and submit your live post link via email (ssmith0911 at live dot com) before the 10th of the month. Read up on the benefits of participating in blogging carnivals at my other blog designed to help new bloggers, Blogging Vitals. (Lots of tips for those of you starting out or interested in blogging.) Articles for the CGF carnival are listed in the order they are received. Thank you to all the bloggers participating in this months carnival!
If you are not a blogger, you can still participate in the monthly carnivals as you can have a post hosted at Now I present to you this month's participants answering the question:
Compare & Contrast Markets And How Your Strategies Differ In Each.
Compare & Contrast Art of The Gold by Focushot of Hunter Mastery
Auction House Gold Making Strategies by Marcus Ty of Journal of Marcus Ty
Different Markets, Different Tactics by Nev of Auction House Addict
1000k In 65 Days Making Gold Before Mists Of Pandaria by Farli of The Overcut
Glyphs And Transmog by Gold Shield of Gold Shields
Auction Durations 12 vs 24 vs 48 Hours by Cold of Cold's Gold Factory
Market Comparison by Wes of Capped by Cata
Thanks again to all of this month's participants. Be sure to check back later for next month's carnival topic and remember to look for next month's gold blogging carnival on the 11th. If you have a topic idea, don't be afraid to send it in. We may use your idea, which will get you proper credit as well.
Until next month,
Keep on Keepin' On!
If you enjoy the monthly carnivals, spread the word and help support the carnival as at grows:
If you enjoy the monthly carnivals, spread the word and help support the carnival as at grows:

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