Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Get More From Blogging Carnival Participation

Get More From Your Blogging Carnival Participation

Each month, I host a WoW gold blogging carnival open for participation from anyone with or without a blog.  It's a pretty straightforward concept.  I pick the topic and everyone is invited to participate.  Just write a post on the chosen topic, host it on your own WoW blog (or on one of the blogs willing to host it as a guest post, if you aren't a blog owner), then send me the link for inclusion in the monthly carnival.  The July Blogging Carnival topic is up already too, in case you missed it.

So let's take a look a little deeper into the benefits of participation and how to get the most from your carnival entry submissions.  Take note, this isn't a pitch to get more participants in the monthly carnival here (although the more, the merrier).  The primary purpose of this article is to help educate other bloggers, and those readers thinking of starting a blog, about ways to use the carnivals to be of more benefit as a participant.  I was a newer blogger once too and would have appreciated the same types of tips in this article, much earlier than I had to discover them on my own.  I hope these ideas help you out too.

Perks Of Carnival Participation

Participating In Blogging Carnivals Gets You Traffic, New Readers, and New Subscribers

Guest Posting and Blogging Carnivals are two of the absolute best ways to grow your own site's audience.  Being featured on another site, especially one with more traffic or a higher page rank, is an excellent way to get exposure to other readers within your same blogging niche.  Many of the visitors that read your carnival entry will return back to visit your site to read more, if they enjoyed your carnival post.  Remember that any g7uest post, carnival entry, or anything featured outside of your own blog, should be of your best quality, since these will be exposed to many brand new readers.  The Cold's Gold Factory Gold Blogging Carnival is a great place for readers to discover more cool bloggers that also write about making gold in World of Warcraft.

Another key benefit of participating in blogging carnivals is the fact that the carnivals tend to continue sending you traffic forever.  New readers to my site often check out the dedicated blogging carnival page and the older carnivals, which continue to send traffic and new readers to the participants.

Blogging Carnivals Help You Build Page Rank

Cold's Gold Factory has a Google Page Rank of 3.  That means any link from me is a good quality relevant link that will help to build your site's Page Rank with Google, especially if your site's Page Rank is lower than mine.  Higher ranked sites that link to you are worth more, than lower ranked sites.  Find out your own site's rank here:  http://www.prchecker.info/check_page_rank.php

How To Get More From Your Carnival Post

Use A Proper Title

One of the common mistakes I see made with blogging carnival entries is what the post is titled.  You should title your post completely based on the content within that post, as if you weren't submitting it elsewhere.  Too often I see Cold's Carnival Entry or Cold's Blogging Carnival as the title of the posts with nothing about what the post is even about.  For your own benefit, always use a title with good keywords and a phrase that describes what your post is about.  You are robbing yourself of 2 of the best places to get page rank and keyword ranking for your post (the title and the url).  You always want the title and the url to be relevant to your post, so others can find it later through the search engines.

Deep Link Within Your Post -

Deep internal blog linking is a great way to get visitors reading more of your posts.  It's ok to add links (I suggest 2-3 in every post you write) in your carnival entry post.  Then some of the readers will dig deeper into more of your posts.  It also helps to catch readers from feeds and other syndications (like those damn copy-cat & content stealing bot sites) by bringing them back to your original site, if they click on one of your links.  This also helps increase your page views and your visitor's time on your site.

Don't Wait To Post In The Final Days Before The Carnival Deadline

Ideally, you want the post you submit for any blogging carnival to go live on your site as far away from the actual carnival day as possible.  Procrastinating and posting your carnival entry on the last few days prior to the carnival's live date can cost you traffic.  Readers of gold blogs skip over visiting your article because they recall seeing it recently (possibly in another site's blogroll) and it is fresh in their mind, even though they may not have even read it yet.

Also, if you post sooner rather than later, your post may already have a vibrant discussion in the comment section.  When the wave of carnival traffic flows in, there could be more participation and discussion as people tend to comment more when there is already something being discussed.  Google likes active comments, especially keyword rich relevant comments.

Tweet, Like, Plus, Reddit, and Share Your Entry And The Final Carnival Post

Share the hell out of your posts.  Every one of them.  Social Media is great for increasing your reader exposure.  So don't forget to share your carnival posts too.  Then share the Cold's Gold Factory Gold Blogging post that wraps up all of the carnival entries into the 1 big post.  I share it all over to get you guys more exposure and more readers.  When we all share, we all benefit.  Hosting and participating in blogging carnivals are very symbiotic relationships.  When we all do our best, the entire group shines.

The Cold's Gold Blogging Carnival is here for the benefit of the readers and to help out other bloggers.  Readers get an exposure to a variety of ideas on a similar topic on making gold in WoW, but are also introduced to new authors and new sites to read in that same area of interest.  I hope you enjoy the carnivals here at Cold's Gold Factory, both as a reader and a contributor.

Thanks for the great posts!

More Blogging and Traffic Tips at BloggingVitals.Blogspot.Com
A Site I Put Ideas For Helping Out New Bloggers.

1 comment:

  1. Oops! I'm always a last minute contributor (if I even have an idea for a post!) & I rarely deep link, hnn deffo food for thought there, thanks for the tips xx


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